Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have made my scuba decision

Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and encouragement in regards to whether or not I should attempt scuba diving. I have decided ... to take the class. If I hate it or am terrified by it, I don't ever have to do it again. Heck, if Tara can jump out of a plane, I suppose I can go underwater. Don't you think? I am amazingly blessed to have fantastic opportunities, and I don't want to let them pass by without giving them fair opportunity to impress me. So ... I told JB to move onward. We'll sign up for those classes. I'll find babysitters. And I'll dive, by golly. I'll dive.


Kelli said...

Awesome! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

It seems like a logical solution. Take the lessons. If you hate it - at least you know you tried - no regrets. Something tells me though, that you're going to really enjoy it.

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

YAY! Bet you will love it. But if not, I think this is a wise decision! Try it and if you don't never do it again! :)