Sunday, July 09, 2006

Missing JB

Well Saturday call STINKS! JB had all of Friday off while I had to work. Then he went in at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning and doesn't get off until this afternoon. BUMMER! He did email me late last night that he was going to bed, and he thought, if his patients all slept peacefully, that he would get five hours of sleep. This is good because the World Cup finale is on at one o'clock, and I plan to make lunch for our non-Cable subscriber friends Dave and Lesley who are going to watch the game with us.

The air conditioning unit in our bedroom is leaking. JB has been trying to fix it, but currently the carpet is half pulled up and there are little cups under it to catch all the water. He showed me how to do this while he was gone (as the cups have to be emptied every eight hours or so), but somehow, I screwed it up. I put one of the cups under the wrong place which was very obvious this morning when I woke up and one of the cups was empty but the ground was not. Ugh! This is the frustration with owning instead of renting. There is no landlord to call. And, unfortunately, no JB to call either. Even he, with all his patience, will be a little frustrated when he sees how poorly I performed while he was gone.

I did get a lot done yesterday. I got a lot of cleaning done, worked on my Rochester Women story, and even did some writing of my own. I watched the women's Wimbeldon finale and invited myself to dinner at the Jones upstairs. Lesley made a great pizza and salad and brownies, and they taught me how to play Golf. It's a great card game mainly because grown-ups can play it with little kids and still have a great time. Or, Lesley and Dave can play with me. Same thing.

I am going to meet Brandon & Kristen at church this morning. This prevents me from staying home because JB is not going -- a now obvious weakness of mine. Currently I am watching Federer who just won the first set six-love. I'll stop at Target on the way home as I plan to make lunch this afternoon for the four of us.

That in itself will make this an interesting day. I asked JB if he would want to watch the finale if he didn't get good sleep last night, and he emailed me back "Are you crazy?" So he plans to watch even if he has had no sleep. What a fanatic!

Also, if he can get a good nap, Eric Church (the country singer) is doing a free concert by the Civic Center at 7:00. The city offers these for the next eight weeks or so. There are some great summer events here -- a city market on Thursdays, the farmer's market on Saturdays, and free lunch-time concerts on Mondays and Thursdays on either side of my building.

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