Thursday, October 17, 2024

365 Days of Rest #66

Sometimes REST means saying "YES!"

A few days ago, my Mom asked if she could come and help me. Things have been crazy ever since the flood. Heck, even before the flood, things are crazy when you run a farm and you homeschool four kids and your husband works random day or night swing shifts. 

But it had been especially crazy. And I've been very cognizant of taking care of myself and my mental health. So when my mom asked if she could come and help, I simply said YES. 

And today that meant, someone cleaned out my pantry for me. She helped dig me out of mounds of laundry and backups on dishes. It just meant I let her ... help.

Serving is my Mom's love language. Taking care of all the "things" is something she does well. So I just let her.

What can you let someone do this week ... today ... that can help YOU take care of yourself and get rest?

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