Friday, June 12, 2020

Be a Good Friend

Life is hard sometimes. 

And then sometimes, friends remind you that you are not alone. That they are thinking about you.

This week I had two different friends just stop what they were doing to do something nice for me. 

They weren't huge things.

But to me? 

They meant the world.

What if everyday we picked one person and did ONE Nice thing for them. 

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

Today my son, Sidge, who has the hugest heart EVER did just that for his little sister.

Hannah had made a bird feeder with her cousin Ana that broke shortly after they set it up. When Sidge heard what happened, he went into the garage, all by himself, got into Grampa's scrap wood box, and started making a platform bird feeder for Hannah:

As always he was hard on himself. He wasn't happy with how it turned out or the mistakes he made. But Hannah was thrilled. And we were so proud of our boy. We didn't even know he knew how to put this stuff together, but he did.

Little things. 

Do something little today for someone that will mean something big.


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