Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My Hard Little Hannah

Hannah has ramped it up here in these parts recently. Talking back, not listening, finding mischief. It feels non-stop. If she was my only kid, I'd be worn-out. But she's one of four so I am SUPER worn-out. From the WOMB this child has been my hardest little lady. 

Tonight I had just HAD IT. I put her in my room and told her just to sit on my bed with nothing to do. I said it very calmly and shut the door until I could chill out. 

I left her there for a long time. When I finally came in, the following conversation ensued.

Me: "Hannah, you know the reason why I had you sit in here, right?"
Hannah: "I kind of can't remember."
Me: "It's because you are not being a good listener."
Hannah: "Oh. Right."
Me: "Okay, so you can come out now. Why don't you and I go read a book together?"
Hannah: "Actually Mama, I really like just laying here and thinking about my life and stuff."
Me: "Okay."
Hannah: "Yeah, I'm thinking that me and Kari are sisters and we are taking care of baby Triniti and baby Theo because I really like babies."
Me: "So you just want to stay here in time-out?"
Hannah: "Yeah, I do. I like just being here thinking by myself where it's quiet."

I think that punishment helped a whole bunch, don't you? Honestly: It doesn't matter. Spankings. Push-ups. Time-outs. Sentences. She finds the fun in nearly everything and nearly nothing impacts her. 



Misty M said...

This girl’s gonna be a world changer! God has a plan with who she is. Lol. I have 3 yr old twins and have to daily remind myself of this.

Kim Eskola said...

This is a blessing that she can do that! Keep training, correcting, bending and molding with positive incentives and she will become your go to girl. ♥️

TAV said...

I have one like this. He was almost an only child. I feel you!