Saturday, January 05, 2019

We Bought a Farm: Ohhhhh the Mud!!!!

 "You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's a part of it.Denzel Washington

Oh the mudddddddd!!!! It has been raining and raining here on the farm lately. Now, the rain has mostly stopped, butthe entire farm is covered in mud. Our friends are in town (Becky and her boys! Pictures to come!) and so we wanted to be outside. 

As soon as the rain stopped, all the kids headed outside. My kids have found a new spot in the woods that they have named "New Zealand." They are building a fort and climbing rocks and walking through the tiny creek. 

Unfortunately, the kids traipsed through the creek and got water everywhere. And once your boots are wet, you are sort of "up a creek." The kids were going through multiple pairs of boots and as a last resort, I made a huge pile and pointed a fan on them overnight to try and dry them out!

Poor Sidge went to go and feed the chickens. He was soooo frustrated. He fell three times in the mud. We move our animals continually, but when rain starts, you can't move the egg-mobile which means we are stuck in mud. The third time he fell, he dropped the egg bucket and half the eggs and just lost his emotions. Rain and mud will really wear you down!


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