Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday Wee-wind

Today I am rewinding to my trip home to America on July 26, 2013.

What made me think of this trip is a story circulating around the Internet right now about a father who paid $88 to switch seats so he could sit next to his four-year-old daughter on a flight.

I have travelled, solo, with my multiple children many times. I have had this happen many times. The post I rewinded to included me boarding a flight with my 35-week pregnant self and my three children under five and being told that we had each been assigned a middle seat somewhere separately on the flight -- despite the fact that the tickets we had been given said we were sitting together!

This guy is upset because he got what he paid for. He booked a flight and booked seats separately. He did not call and try to book it over the phone. Then, when he got to the airport, he didn't like that he had gotten what he paid for!

I do think it is ridiculous that they charged him $88 to switch his seat. (Personally I have never paid money. I simply get on the flight and ask people to changes seats.) But in the end, people are getting so riled up about so many things.

I could totally have been all over the news for the fact that I had been given four seats all over the plane. But I simply went up to people and politely discussed the situation and had people help make things work for us.

People need to just calm down and quit complaining so much! It's a flight. Call ahead. Ask questions. Ask people to help.

And relax!

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