I have now lived on a farm for four nights. Five days. In that time, here is what I have learned:
- Ticks will be a never-ending problem for us. Even when we aren't in the woods, they are finding there ways into our flesh. People warned me about these little buggers, but I don't think anything completely prepares you for pulling them off yourself or your kids. I keep thinking about Brad Paisley's song: I want to check your for ticks. We really have to do these around these parts!
- I'm going to have to drive to grocery shop. There is one grocery store about 15 minutes from us. It is not good at all. The rest of the stores are a half hour. They aren't much better. Every time we have come to visit, I have tried a different grocery store and have yet to find one that pleases me. (And I am not a picky person!) I'd be okay with high prices if they had the products we like to buy. Organic and natural products are basically non-existent, and if they have them, I have to pay EIGHT DOLLARS FOR ONE GALL OF ORGANIC MILK. In the end, I think we have come up with a plan for me to go to Johnson City (about an hour away) once a month, Grampa and Grama goes once a month, and order the rest of the things we need online. We'll still have to do occasional stops at the local store, but I've just decided that life is too short to grocery shop locally. We are hoping to be eating off our land primarily within a few years, and we will definitely be supporting any and all local farmers and stores we can. But to heck with these big chain stores. No good!
- My kids are going to get dirty. They are really going to need a daily bath. That's just how it is going to go. And normally, we skip a day. No more of that. If they don't get a bath, I'm doing full-body wipe downs. Man there is a lot of dirt on a farm.

First of all, the farm looks wonderful. I loved all the pictures. I can see how the kids would love all that open space. And Scrubs, he must have been so happy to see you all.
Wow. The grocery store situation sounds like it's going to require a lot of planning. I think that would be a big hurdle for me. Not the driving to get them, just managing to get everything I needed. Organization is not my strong suit.
Ewwwww. Ticks are not good! Is there a problem with Lyme disease in Tennessee? I think I'd take snakes over ticks. (Well, non-poisonous ones anyway.) Do you have lots of Mosquitos? The worst Mosquitos I've ever endured were in Alaska. They were HUGE and very aggressive. (And this was in the days before repellents that truly worked.)
I'm just delighted that you are sharing this exciting time with your readers.
Thanks. ❤️
First of all, the farm looks wonderful. I loved all the pictures. I can see how the kids would love all that open space. And Scrubs, he must have been so happy to see you all.
Wow. The grocery store situation sounds like it's going to require a lot of planning. I think that would be a big hurdle for me. Not the driving to get them, just managing to get everything I needed. Organization is not my strong suit.
Ewwwww. Ticks are not good! Is there a problem with Lyme disease in Tennessee? I think I'd take snakes over ticks. (Well, non-poisonous ones anyway.) Do you have lots of Mosquitos? The worst Mosquitos I've ever endured were in Alaska. They were HUGE and very aggressive. (And this was in the days before repellents that truly worked.)
I'm just delighted that you are sharing this exciting time with your readers.
Thanks. ❤️
Not really a question...but a comment about the shopping. Since you will probably have huge grocery lists, it might help to use a grocery app on your phone and quickly type in what you need as you think of it. I use Grocery IQ and it is great. Also... Detailed menu planning REALLY helps with BIG grocery shopping outings. Thank the Lord for those grandparents who can hopefully keep the sweet kids when you shop! My parents live with us about half the year...what a blessing it is for our whole family. --Tracye (a long-time blog follower)
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