Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Call from Mayo

Talk about making your stomach drop.

Got a call from a doctor at the Infertility Department at Mayo Clinic today. He said that they received the images I flew all the way to Germany to have taken. He said the quality of the images was not fantastic but that they think they saw a polyp in my uterus. Then he said they would often recommend ceasing to move forward on the transfer and instead having surgery to remove the polyp (which is usually very benign and not a problem other than possibly decreasing chances of the IVF transfer being successful.)

I listened to all he had to say and then I asked him the million dollar question. Do I have to have the surgery to remove the polyp? 

The answer? No. He, in fact, said that in our situation, coming from halfway across the world, trying to time this nearly perfectly, with so many minuscule factors at play, he would understand if we just wanted to "let nature take its course." He said they could lower our chances of success but that the research is still very unclear as to whether that is actually true.

We both shared a laugh. This isn't very "natural" and my infertility and pregnancy journey has gone far from the way anyone would have thought. I told him that I'd need to talk to my husband but that I was pretty sure we'd take our chances by leaving the polyp in place. (JB agreed ... without hesitation.)

So for now, things are moving forward as scheduled. Please join me in praying that when I get to Mayo  later this month and they do an ultrasound before the transfer that everything looks okay. He said there is a very good chance that there won't be a polyp at all. (That the images were just too difficult to read.) But we do need my uterine lining to be a certain thickness to proceed and some other things need to come together to assure a successful transfer. This call reminded me that we aren't guaranteed the ending to the story that we'd like so your prayers for the Lord's hand to move along this journey would be greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned ....


jenicini said...

Ugh! That's not fun to hear! I'm glad that you are going to continue with your cycle. Aren't you so glad that you traveled all the way to Germany for blurry images! Argh!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Jenicini ... tell me about it!