Monday, August 01, 2011

So ready ... so blessed

I ache for my boys. For JB. I want to be home so unbelievably badly. The mornings are worse for me. I cry a lot. I panic a bit with feelings that I am trapped here. I know it is hormones. It feels like it is getting better. But my desire to be with my family is extreme and nearly suffocating.

But in the midst of frustration and sadness comes small miracles. I reached out to a friend of a friend two days ago. Our friend from Turkey, Casey, has a great friend here in Germany ... Sarah. Sarah's husband is out of town for three weeks. She has a nearly four month old baby girl. We spent the day together yesterday. We went to mass and rented a movie: Just Go With It. I was`able to be in a house, use her baby swing. It was so refreshing.

Sarah offered to let us stay with her at the home they rent off Base until the passport comes. I took her up on this. After Abigail's two week appointment today, Sarah is picking us up and we are headed there. Having someone to talk to and be with and share life with has made me feel so tremendously better.

My Turkish friend Rana emailed me and told me that in Turkey, they do not leave new moms home alone with the baby for 40 days. That seemed weird to me, but I can see now why that might be valuable. While I didn't deal with this with Elijah, I am dealing with it with Abigail. I am able to enjoy her and the process, but am just so emotional. Having another person to be with me is HUGE to my emotional well-being.

God is so faithful to provide a bit of "Jesus in the flesh" via Sarah. I can't imagine how I would be feeling if it weren't for Stebbins suggesting I email Casey and Casey putting me in touch with Sarah. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you LORD for your wonderful new friend Sarah!! And for your other caring friends who made that happen!! Hang in there Wendi! You will be home with your precious family before you know it!! LOVE the pictures of your sweet Abigail, she is BEAUTIFUL!! Praying for that passport to come ASAP!! Much Love sent your way! N

Anonymous said...

How amazing is it that God knows just what you need and when!!! A new friend who probably needs someone just as you need someone right now...great match! Abigail is absolutely beautiful! Enjoy the calm for all it is worth as it will get crazy (albiet a delight after the last few months) soon! Lynda

Anonymous said...

I just loved this Wen My Turkish friend Rana emailed me and told me that in Turkey, they do not leave new moms home alone with the baby for 40 days. That seemed weird to me, but I can see now why that might be valuable.
it reminded me of how much young moms have help and people around them in Indonesia and for goodness sake they cannot cook for themselves for awhile...must have aunties and moms and friends/neighbors to do that --our independent, isolated US culture can learn alot from others --you are soooo good at realizing what and reaching for what you need to survive emotionally in life's changes and shine! ox Tante Jan