Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It's 2am in South Florida right now. Midnight at the home of my buddy Kristi in New Mexico. But here, right now, it is 9am. I wish my world was awake right now instead of the other way around.

I keep thinking that I'd like to email my Mom or someone and just ask them to pray for me. I need an extra bit of "umph" today. So I thought that while it is unlikely that any of my world back home is awake, maybe someone is. Not many people here have access to my blog. Since the Base is so small I've kept it on the down-low. JB will be the doctor for most people I know here. And I don't want them to all have access to the details of his life.

The boys are in quiet a funk. Usually, only one of them is in a funk at a time. But today it is both of them. And Scrubs, while on his best behavior in fear of facing my wrath, is still under my feet. Oh and he threw up twice. Green gooey throw-up. What makes throw-up bright, slime ball green?

I'm outnumbered. I've prayed. I've begged. We have, and this is not an exaggeration, been in time-out so many times that I've lost count. I am also defaulted to putting one of them in the crib upstairs. Screaming. Fighting. Pushing. Whining. I served Isaac corn flakes as he requested. But then he didn't want corn flakes. He wanted yogurt. Someone asked for toast. But once it was popped it was no longer desired.

By the time my world wakes up I'm sure the day will be better. But right now, I feel better just getting this off my chest again.

Got to go. World War III has just broken out in the play room.


Ryan and Sarah said...

Oh friend, thank you for the morning. It was just what I needed. My sister has a saying-"the days are long but the years are short". Call me if you need a break-

Jenny said...

So sorry Wendy! I have definitely had those days. I feel you!

cbrueggie said...

i SO know the feeling! two boys close in age can just drive you bonkers. two things i've learned:
1. IT GETS BETTER. honest. at 5 and 6 it's MUCH better.
2. take a break for fun when everyone's a grump. it really does help.

Emily said...

I hope your day got better, especially with the addition of the drumstick cones! :) Sometimes, I think someone must pour cranky additives into our water, because the kids just wake up miserable for no apparent reason. Praying that your "oomph" returns soon!