Saturday, May 26, 2007

I am a thief

It's official. I am a thief. I am including two photos that I down-right snagged from other blogs. The first is from Tara's. I just love this photo of my three great friends, Lesley, Kristen, and Tara.

I stole this one from Kristen's blog. I really wanted a photo of all the veteran-doctors praying for the all the soon-to-be-doctors at the Christian-oath-swearing-in-ceremony. My attempt at a photo came out so dark so it was great to get this one from Kristen. Thanks girls!

In other news, JB and Ronnie hit Josh and Sarah's house in Nashville late last night. They got up early this morning and moved on toward Eglin. Last I talked to John, they were nearing Birmingham and projecting an early afternoon arrival. So far, the drive has been fairly uneventful. The only disappointing event was the news that the Ray's beta fish, "Terd Ferguson" (which became our beta a few months ago, and, no, I have no idea where they came up with that name) did not survive the trip. The autopsy revealed that he was most likely cooked through the floorboard of the truck. Yuck. Twain(ette), our lone remaining love bird on the other hand, is having a great time on the drive and not chirping too much at all. I was worried JB and Ron would grow so tired of her that she'd end up somewhere amidst the bikes and plants. Good job Twaine

Last night I hung out with Brandon and Kristen (who left this morning for a vacation in Oregon), Dave and Lesley (who left this morning for a vacation in California/Hawaii), and Tara (who left this morning for a vacation in Chicago for Erin's wedding.) We went to Chipotle and then went back to Brandon and Kristen's for some ice cream (you can always count on Kristen and Lesley for dessert!), and played Brandon's new Wii (a gift from Kristen for taking the boards). I played some sort of bowling game and actually didn't embarrass myself too badly. I was also in a fairly goofy mood. I realized that it's one of the first times I have been simply able to "hang out" in a long time. We've had so much going on that I was fairly giddy with relief last night.

I also did a little cleaning at our condo and plan to finish it up this weekend. I found a mixing bowl set and a toaster oven we forgot to pack!!!! I am so mad about this. Now I have to figure out how to get it on the plane. How do you miss two huge kitchen items? I cleaned out every cabinet before JB left and totally skipped the one above the sink. My mom and mother-in-law missed them too! Geesh.

I spent the night at the Ray's last night. I also unwillingly bonded with their cat, Kevin. Kevin got up on the couch with me. I thought this was okay until I realized that Kevin likes to sleep on your face. Kevin also likes to purr VERY loudly and then tap his paws back and forth on your back while he pets your hair. Kevin was kicked off the couch at that point. I remember Kevin did this after one of my procedures when I went and stayed at the Rays. But that day I was so tired, I just basically let him sleep on my face. No go last night. I don't think Kevin was happy with me, but gosh, what happened to cats who just lay quiet and still?

Right now I am at RLS, getting ready to do some work to make up for my time off from the move. Our time in Rochester is winding down. I'd write all about it, but then I would cry, and I don't feel like crying. In order to avoid crying, I have downright avoided saying good bye to anyone. I just said "see you later" to Brandon and Kristen last night and a quick "farewell" to Dave and Lesley this morning. I think we are all sort of pretending that we will see each other next week. I plan to do the same thing with Tara on Monday and the Rays next week. I also have to connect with the Philips to not say good bye as well.

Okay, got to work.


TAV said...

I have to give Kristen credit for the pic you attributed to me-- I totally stole that one from her blog too! I like it a lot :)
Wedding was beautiful-- will post pictures when I can. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Stupid Cat!