Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ten Commandment Crowns

My parents host a "Home Group" Bible Study each Wednesday at their house. Generally, it is a stretch for my kids to participate as they go to bed around 7 or 7:30 and the meeting starts at 7:00. But last night, they stayed up. They had a great time making "10 Commandment Crowns" with their Grama Di.
This new smile Abigail is doing is just cracking me up! Notice Abigail is wearing an undecorated crown and decorating an unworn one.

Sidge really got into this crown thing. Very fun!
Juanita was the other little girl there last night. She cracked me up. She is British and so "dignified." She was aghast that Abigail ate her fruit without using a fork, and when I put on some VBS music she said, "The music is making my feet dance." You could tell she wasn't used to an Abigail (who for some reason has been into hugging other kids lately.) She was like, "Get this unrefined child off of me, please!"

*This activity is on my Pinterest board.

1 comment:

AW said...

"She was like, 'Get this unrefined child off of me, please!'"

Bahaha! This made me LOL because I think JK thinks this every time his little brother hugs him. Hahahaha!