Thursday, May 24, 2012

Friday funnies

Loving this picture of these brothers and best friends. They are so different in such wonderful ways and yet they will share a bond forever.

This was my, rather pathetic attempt, at making them a pirate ship. Where is a Daddy when you need him?
It doesn't look quite as bad from this angle.
While laying in bed this morning, Elijah had his head on JB's chest. "Elijah, do you have hair on your chest like Daddy?" I asked him.
Elijah: "No, I don't."
Me: "Why not?
Elijah: "I'm too little."
Me: "How old do you have to be to have hair on your chest?"
Elijah: (looks up at JB) and asks, "How much are you Daddy?"
Isaac: "Is that how Scrubby duze a trick?"
Isaac: "Is there a person in there Mommy?" (He was pointing at the ATM.)
Isaac: "Oh. That tasted fabulous."
Elijah: "That was a gweat book."
Isaac loves to ask me if I have tried something. Often times it involves junk food. This morning it was, "Mommy, have you ever put chocolate syrup on your cheerios?" My response was, "No I haven't and either will you!"
Elijah: "When I get bigger I can do lots of things?
Me: "Like what?"
Elijah: "Well, I could feed Scrubby and give him his water."
Me: "Yeah but you already do that."
Elijah: "But I just help you. When I get bigger and you get smaller, I can do it myself."
Me: "Am I going to get smaller?"
Elijah: "Yes. When will you start getting smaller Mommy?"
Elijah hit his funny bone. When Stebbs told him what it was he hit, he cried, "But dats not willy funny!"
Elijah can still be very hard to understand. Some days he'll be trying to tell me something, and I just canNOT figure out what it is. He'll try to say it in a number of ways. But finally, when he realizes we aren't going to figure it out, he'll just say, "Mommy, just come. I'll show you." He then takes me to whatever it is so I can see what he was trying to say.
Isaac: "Mommy, did God not put black in the rainbow?"
Isaac: (Came to me and the library tag had come off of the library book.) "Mommy, look. This book is not a library book anymore."
Isaac asked me, "Are we going to say good bye to this house before we move?" When I replied in the affirmative he said, "Well, that's silly because houses don't talk."

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