Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby #3

I struggled last time I got pregnant and am once again struggling with what to share on this blog regarding my pregnancy. I want this to be a safe place for those struggling with infertility and other grief, but I know, especially since we live across the world from our loved ones, they want to be able to see andread details of the pregnancy.

Once the baby is born, I will chart his/her life on the blog. However, I don't think pregnancy pictures have to be included so obviously. So I have come up with a way around this. Blogger now lets you have a separate page (un-dated). So I am going to put pictures and concerns, or health issues needing prayer there.

If you want to read them, you can. If you don't, you certainly do not have to. You can find a link to Baby #3 on the side of this blog or you can bookmark this page: Baby #3. Please note that this page will talk about my pregnancy unedited. If you go to this page, I ask that you go only if it is a healthy place for you to be.

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