Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prayer Requests

My pain seems to be at a pretty normal point for two days after surgery. However, I have a few prayer requests. I know my friends and family back home, especially, have asked how they can pray since they can't do anything but pray at this time. So here's what we could use prayer for:

1. I am really struggling with lack of appetite. Normally as long as you stay hydrated, not eating isn't a problem, but I have a fifteen week pregnancy to be concerned about so I really need to eat. (John reminds me of this constantly.) Please pray that I can manage to consume enough calories to keep baby (and me) healthy. Eating is quite a chore right now.

2. I have had diarrhea since I left the hospital. Please pray that this ends soon. After my c-section this lasted six weeks and was actually a secondary infection (c-diff). Please pray that this isn't the case this time and that this resolves soon.

3. The boys. You can tell they are having trouble adjusting to mom being incapicated and are quite aware I am fairly useless. This morning Isaac was playing with the blinds. I told him if he did it again he would get a time-out. He said, "Could I have a spanking too?" I think he really wanted to see me actually do something. It was quite sad and funny all at once. Scrubs is with Shane and Linda. What a HUGE blessing it is just to remove one variable. I felt bad letting him go, but I know he is much happier there than he is here.

4. For JB. We have so much help. Someone taking the kids in the a.m. Someone coming by in afternoons after they wake up from naps. Dinners. Groceries. Hatice was here yesterday. But John is still the one who has to do baths, clean-up, diaper changes, bed-times, everything else. He is keeping up just fine and doesn't complain at all, but it is obvious he is weary. And exhausted. Elijah got up at 4am and really didn't go back to bed. I can't be alone with the boys so it is JB who has to do this. He just needs an extra dose of strength -- especially because he has to return to work today.

5. Could you also add my brother and his wife to your prayers as Baylee Nicole is due by c-section this morning (American time.)

Thanks all!


Joy Z said...

You got it Wendi! It is my absolute privledge to pray for you dear friend. I am thanking God for keeping you and baby safe thus far.
So sorry you have to go through this. Hugs from afar!

Momma, PhD said...

Hang in there.

Can you try sipping something like Ensure? Or those Carnation Instant Breakfast things? Or maybe even SlimFast? Do they have something like that on Base? Perhaps the sipping throughout the day would be easier than eating an actual meal.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys! The "want to help" in me looked up foods to eat to get rid of diahrrea.

- PLAIN NOODLES (maybe make some corkscrews or something and just munch throughout the day)


- COOKED POTATOES (maybe have John make/buy some really yummy buttery salty ones, they might trigger your taste buds

- YOGURT (bio especially)


John probably knows all this already. He's right though, you HAVE to eat, not only to gain strength for you, but for the baby too! I'm sure that surgery wore her/him out too!

I would think even if it's chocolate cake and icecream, it's better than nothing!

Love you,
"Auntie" Linda

Anonymous said...

Praying, Wendi! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.

I know how much you love chocolate. Maybe that'll taste good. (I'm sure you've already thought of all you could try to eat and would eat it if you felt like it.)

Hang in there.


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Yeah, honestly, chocolate sounds horrible! I think that was when I knew I needed some extra prayer help.

But Linda, the potatoes actually sounded pretty good.

You all are great.

Unfortunately the sipping drinks would if it work if it didn't evoke a vomit. :)

Kelly said...

I'm praying for your quick recovery, Wendy, and for your family, too! Hang in there!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Baylee is here safe and sound. I'll post more when i hvae all the details. I know she was 9.10ounces born via csection!