Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good news!

I am at work so I cannot post long, but everything went great at my ultrasound this a.m. It's so nice when things go according to plan. They wanted the lining of my uterus to be at 9 (mm I think), but it was at 10 which is even better. The thicker the lining, the easier the embryo can embed (aka "stick") to the uterus wall.

So I keep taking blue pills, take last shot of lupron on Monday morning, and on Tuesday start taking the yucky thick progestrone oil shots. Both the blue pills and progesterone will continue until, either I am not pregnant, or until my 8th or so week of pregnancy.

We are for sure going in on Thursday morning! Yay!


Anonymous said...

that is wonderful, wendi! i'm thrilled for you!

Anonymous said...

Go, sticky babies!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Stick sticky babies, stick!