Monday, September 23, 2024

365 Days of Rest #55

God has been revealing even more layers to the onion of my life — peeling back layers and facts little by little. This is HARD. I am super glad I am not in the bottoms and depressed while seeing this. I am working to do the work while still functioning pretty normally. But it ain’t easy. 

Finding time to rest isn’t easy. There is so much in life some days. I have to constantly work to build in more margin. To build in QUIET. To build in PEACE. To build in not trying to fill my life with someTHING. 

If it isn’t BUSY will it be FOOD? If it isn’t FOOD? Or PEOPLE? Or DOING? Or … what? What if it is just Jesus? A constant striving all the time, every day, to feel the God-shaped hole in my heart with God only. 

Today, I can feel the Lord saying this looks like: “Put the phone down. Quit reaching out. Reach up.” I’m realizing …. That doesn’t have to be something I do for weeks. It needs to be something I do TODAY. 

Take the call for rest on an hourly basis. What do I need RIGHT NOW to be who HE made me to be??

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