Tuesday, September 10, 2024

365 Days of Rest #46


Below, I have included pictures from the Ballet Magnificat! performance of Strategem.

Folks, I LOVE me some Ballet Mag! but Wendi was t-i-r-e-d. The plan was for Aunt Hannah Kotynski to take the five girls in our families to see this. And I was all for it. It was on a Sunday evening -- late -- an hour away -- with our biggest day (Monday! Homeschool cooperative!) the next day.

And ... Hannah Kotynski gets sick. Blahhhhhhh! )Blah for her AND blah for me.)

But, I should have known God had a plan. He is such an amazing God. He wanted me at this ballet! (If you want to see a VERY quick overview of the play, you can do so here.)

This play was about the good guys (God!) and the bad guys (Satan!) but moreso, the battle that occurs over us (his people!) Specifically we looked at areas of VANITY, GREED, and the big one for me: MENTAL HEALTH ... woah. I was spoken to ON SO MANY LEVELS. I just watched thinking: "They've captured depression SO BEAUTIFULLY. That's really how anxiety feels. My oh my."

This ended up being my P-E-A-C-E and R-E-S-T for my Sunday. Which is shocking because I didn't want to go.

GOD wanted me there. And he made sure I went! :) Below, you can find some pictures of our evening!

Abigail (13), Kari (16), Ana (17), Genevieve (10), and the Pomegranate (11)

We ended up connecting with our friend Alyssa and her mom, Jenn, at the show. Alyssa dances with Abigail and goes to our church.

Front row seats!!

Ana with one of her counselors from BALLET MAG! Ana was injured this year and couldn't attend the summer intensive ... happy/sad tears here!

With another one of their favorite counselors!

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