Friday, September 13, 2024

365 Days of Rest #47

What if you just stop and sit and drink and sup with good friends. You don’t feel like you have the time or the energy. But you know you are giving yourself a chance to feel like a human! 

Erin and Meredith are two of my very dearest friend. Erin is back in East TN for the school year. Meredith lives here with me. They don’t know each other incredibly well, but they are so similar. And we laughed hard about little Wendi with her two friends that are so similar … a theme in my life perhaps? 

I’ve realized that I like a friend that’s a little bossy. That makes decisions. That tells me what to do. That speaks truth. That is a little Type A. That is both of these gals. Good laughs. Good encouragement. And we all love our good God!

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