Saturday, April 01, 2023

Migraines, foods, and friends

I mentioned the other day on my Blog that my kids were being "forced" to eat only what they could find in her house. We were buying no groceries and they could "fend for themselves."

This was due to two main "issues":

  1. Constant complaints that we didn't have "anything to eat."
  2. Kids not trying new things because they just go to their "easy favorites."
We obviously have food to eat because last night, after I got home from ballet, my husband whipped me up this amazing meal in as long as it took for the rice cooker to make rice:

That's tilapia (if you were wondering!) with scallops and potatoes and rice and some delicious sauce. IT ... WAS ... AWESOME.

I have been trying to eat a "Whole 30" style of diet. I'm not doing it just like their instructions; instead I am trying to only eat natural foods, straight from nature -- nothing that man has had to manufacture. I am calling it "God's food" because that sounds like the best explanation.

The thing is, if you aren't a good cook, God's food gets mighty boring. And I really need to do this for 30-straight days to see if I see any improvements for my migraines. We are very sure that they are hormonally related, but lately, it just feels like I have a headache most days, and if I don't stay on top of it, it goes into a terrible migraine. 

The picture above is one I took during an especially hard day about a week ago. I was "stuck" in town for ballet for a number of hours, and my head was hurting so badly. I had stronger meds, but I needed to take those and lay down and not drive. And I live 20+ minutes from town. I texted my friend Catherine (who has 8 kids of her own) and asked if I could come over to her house. 

I snapped this picture when I woke up from my migraine-medicine-induced-coma. She had an amazing bed and water and just PEACE despite the craziness of her home. It was glorious. I needed it so badly. (I love friends!)

Anyways, back to last night. Our kids had to eat their own food so they didn't get to participate in our dinner. John and I sat down at the table just the two of us to enjoy dinner together. It was so delicious and so fun. Incredibly filling too!

Abigail snapped this picture and said: "Aren't you all cute?" She also asked if this is what we had done before we had kids. Did Dad make dinner and Mom sit and eat it?

Yes we did.

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