Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday Funnies

Today was a DAY. A bad day. Three of my four kids were bad. Bad behavior. Unkind words. Disobedience. In addition, many things just went wrong for me. I dropped a goose egg on the middle of the floor. I got a reel tangled out in the paddock. The wwoofers were off and JB was working, and it was just a lot of things going wrong. 

At 4:00pm, I kicked all four of my offspring out of the house and locked all the doors. 

(Not kidding. I did that.)

I told them they couldn't come in for one hour.)

Sidge thought it would be hilarious to figure out that my bathroom door was not locked. 

(I did not find it funny.)

So while eating dinner, I told all four kids that immediately after dinner, we were going on a drive. I told them to get a piece of paper, a pencil, something to write on, and get into "Midge." (That's the name of my Expedition.) Oh if you could have been a fly on the wall as the kids debated during dinner where I was taking them.

In the end, I took them on a drive to Wendy's for a Frosty. 

(Sidenote: The first time I got a Frosty for Sidge, he was about five since we had lived overseas until then. He remarked: "This is delicious Mom. These things should be famous."

Uhhhh ... they kinda are.

Anyways ...

On the way to Wendy's, I had them write down how their behavior was for the day and what their punishment should be for that bad behavior. Then we talked about GRACE and MERCY and how I was going to show them both by forgiving them and giving them something they didn't deserve.

I had to share what Hannah wrote. (I told her I was not going to help with spelling.)

"My behavior was bad. I think my punishment should be not going to the Kotysnki's for two weeks. ... Grace being forgiven when you do not deserve it."

And then, here is what Sidge had to say: 


Here's one final "Friday Funny" to round out the day: Me: "You are spending WAY too long in the bathroom pooping."
Child: "I think I get distracted reading."
Me: "Okay so from now on, you must set a timer. Ten minutes. You have ten minutes to get the job done. It's not good to sit on a toilet that long."
Child: "Does that count wiping?"
Me: "Huh?"
Child: "I mean can I wipe after the ten minutes expires? Or do I have to wipe before the ten minutes are up?"

Seriously. I just had THAT conversation. 

The boys were out looking at fireflies and talking about how they light up to attract a mate. Isaac said: "Pick me! Pick me! My butt's the brightest."

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