Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: Learning Dynamics

We have three young emerging readers in our homeschool community. We decided to try Learning Dynamics and their Learning Dynamics Reading Program with the two oldest of these kiddos.

In the video above, you can hear all about this fantastic program which comes with strong accolades from both my cousin Hannah and myself.
Please take a moment to check out the reviews from my fellow crew members by clicking on the link below: 

Learning Dynamics Reading Program  {Learning Dynamics Reviews}

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was a child, I was outside barefoot at night and stepped on something slimey. My parents said that I screamed bloody murder, thinking that I had stepped on a snake! I'm not sure if it is a real memory or one that I made up to go along with the story, but I am pretty sure I remember sitting on the bathroom counter, terrified and crying, while my mom scrubbed the slug slime off my foot. I have pretty much refused to go barefoot anywhere ever since! While it isn't a recent memory, I can certainly sympathize! =)
