Wednesday, July 12, 2017

We Bought a Farm: Pig food wherever we can get it!

We have two neighbors with fruit trees -- pears and apples. Both of them have offered to let us come and pick up any fruit that has fallen on the ground to feed to our pigs. Since it isn't sprayed or treated in any way, we jumped on board! Grampa Kit. has been the chief guy behind this endeavor. (He is always looking for a way to waste less or spend less.) But on this particular day, he recruited a bunch of the grandkids to join him. It took about an hour but they picked up about 300-400 pounds of apples!

Our pigs continue to be a challenge for us -- feeding them that is. It is SO expensive to feed them right. So we are trying to find alternative means of feed! The pigs are one group of animals that, unless, we can drop the cost and time involved, will probably not remain on our farm forever. But we are just seeing where the future takes us!

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