Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Funnies

This morning, Abigail pooped on the potty. I have no plans to potty train her right now, but when I saw her squatting in the corner and asked her if she wanted to go and she said yes and agreed to sit on the potty, who I am to argue. So she did. We did the "dance of joy" and praised her and petted her and cheered for her something crazy. Then I gave her a cookie. She took the cookie, looking confused, and promptly walked into the bathroom and threw it in the toilet. With her poopy. I explained this was for her to eat, and she smiled, and I gave her another one, which she ate!
Isaac asked Joni why she ate smarties. "Is it so you can be smarter?" he asked her.
When playing ping pong with Joni in Vermont, she complimented him on his abilities. "Yeah, I'm winning a 62-year-old," he said.
Sidge: "Did you know Earth is a planet?"
Me: "Yep."
Sidge: "Then why isn't it dark outside?"

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