Thursday, August 08, 2013

Deployment Crafts

When my friend Angelica's husband Dan deployed, I wanted to do something for her while he was gone for seven months. But what? She lived in Japan. I was in the Azores. How could I let her know I cared from so far away?

I did a little research online and found a great idea:
You buy the "membership" and a craft box is delivered to the address of choice each month. If there are siblings, you can pay a little bit more to allow more than one child to participate in each craft. I got some other friends to jump on board to defer the cost a bit and we were off!

This isn't the only company out there. Feel free to do your own research on which company might be best for your friend keeping cost and quality in mind. But I did want to share this idea as I know there are other people out there who can benefit from this idea. Whether it be a deployment or an illness or something else that a family could benefit from a little "I'm thinking of you" each month, Angelica said her kids loved it, and I'm so glad we did it for her!

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