You see, I just don't like church right now. It's not God I am against. It's being left in the nursery. Big brother Isaac may go up to the nursery door and say, "Knock, Knock. Can I come into your house?" but I think being left without my mom is a terrible idea. And while I like my Daddy right now, I'm not as split between my parents as Isaac is. I prefer Mom when I am having a hard day. And church days are hard days. I start crying as soon as our stroller makes the turn into the Chapel parking lot.
But I don't want to be all negative. Let's talk about some of the things I like. My absolute favorite thing right now is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. When Mickey comes walking over that hill at 11:00 every morning, my face lights up like crazy. (And, note to the Air Force TV people ... you shouldn't change the start time from 10:30 to 11:00 without warning my Mommy. I was crushed on that day.) My other favorite thing is the movie Cars. Love that movie. And I just love cars in general. I like to sit in my booster seat and drive them on the breakfast counter. I like to drive them on the dining room table. I like to stand on a stool in the bathroom and drive them on the bathroom counter. The wall. The floor. Anywhere. Cars. Oh and trains! Thomas is very cool. I don't care much for the show, but man do I love setting those suckers up and tearing them down.
I love to go outside. I can go outside by myself (with my Mom checking on me every 10 seconds or so) if I am in the backyard. I love my Red Paul the Police car (check out the picture at the top of the page.) I love to go to the pool. I love to play with my water table. I love to play with my trucks.
I don't quite get the whole Skype thing too well yet. But I like to look at the people talking to me, and I know who they are. I am also saying more and more words, and I continue to add signs that my Mommy introduces me too because I am not talking quite as much as my brother is yet. I love signing! I can totally communicate, and it's great.
As for Isaac and me, we have a love/hate relationship. We'll play great together and chase each other and wrestle each other, and then we'll be screaming and yelling and pulling hair the next minute. The main problem is that I like to take things from Isaac. He doesn't like that. He can also get quiet outspoken about what I am playing with. Today he took a car from me and when Mommy asked him if he took it from me, and he said, "No. I didn't take it. I'm must borrowing it." I know I'm not two yet. But isn't that the same thing? I don't enjoy my Turkish popularity as much as Isaac does. He likes all the cheek grabbing and kissing and hugging. But they go after me a lot more. (I think it is because I am chubby but I am not sure.) I tolerate it okay. I like to give fives. But I let them know if I am just not int he mood. Okay, so I think that's it from me. Maybe my big brother will stop by sometime soon as well. Take care peeps!
Okay, so I'm randomly curious about in the States, it's called Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Is it called something different in Turkey? And, by the way, my kids love it, too! :)
Oh my! Elijah looks so grown up in this picture. :(
Debbie, that was just a typo. It is the same here: clubhouse.
tante Jan
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