My little brother is, GETTING MARRIED!

Here are the facts (as I know them) to answer all the questions I have been receiving (and those that I predict I will receive):
- They got engaged last week Tuesday I think, however, I was forbidden to share until everyone he wanted to tell had been told.
- No official date has been set yet (as far as I know -- but Keith isn't known for his fantastic communication), but the girl has been picked!
- Her name is Adrienne Broyles, but everyone calls her "AD".
- Yes, my brother is an "AD" (athletic director) and that is fairly ironic.
- I have honestly, only met AD one time, but we went on a five day cruise together, so I feel like I got to know her fairly well, and I definitely approve of Keith's choice.
Here are some photos of AD with her new ring.

Keith and AD are actually on their way to Chicago. I originally thought that they were going to surprise people with the news when they got there, thus my reason for not telling anyone. Come to find out though, the news was already shared so they gave me permission to share it with the world. Finally!
Okay, here is what I know about AD. I think AD reads my blog so, AD, if I messed any of this up, please forgive me and please correct me. I am going to do my best here:
- Keith and AD met at church.
- AD is fairly tall (I get this question all the time). I am going to guess 5'8" or 5'9". Is that right AD?
- I am not exactly sure what her job is, but I know she works for Park and Rec doing something recreational in nature. (Aren't I brilliant for that deduction). Actually, she was switching jobs when we met her so I think this is why I don't have this straight.
- I believe she was a recreation major in college.
- I think she is about Keith's age -- 26 or 27. I think she was 26 when we went on the cruise, but I thought she had a birthday since then.
- She is very involved in FCA at her former school, FAU (Florida Atlantic University).
- I believe she is getting her master's degree right now at FAU.
- I have no idea how far along she is in her master's and am now wondering if that is even accurate information at all. Ugh!
- Maybe I should have checked on these facts before posting the blog.
- AD was actually a Division-I softball player for Stetson.
- I think AD was a catcher.
- Honestly,the only thing that I don't like about her was that she graduated from Westminster Academy (our biggest rivals while I was growing up), but other than that, there is nothing I don't like.
- AD's mom owns a pet shop thus immediately earning her brownie points with John!
- JB and I both agree that AD is perfect for our family. I joke that in John's family, where there are six siblings, if you don't like one of the spouses, no biggie, you can find someone else to sit with at dinner (not saying that I don't like any of the spouses of course). However, when I only have one sibling, it's kind of important that I feel like I can be around her and not have to "work" at being friends. If we lived closer, I think AD and I would be good friends.
- I hope AD would say the same thing about me but maybe not. Maybe she is like, oh gosh, my one sister-in-law is just a PAIN!
- AD is a wonderful person. She has great style and personality and charisma and is a very strong Christian. She is a perfect match for Keith and will keep him from becoming a sports-watching hermit! She shares his love of sports and his love of the Lord.
Thanks, Wendi, for FINALLY filling us in. For those of us whose days revolve around blog-reading (and, lately, commenting-- please tell me if the comments are becoming excessive, although it started after the "people should comment" blog!), this "exciting news" was much awaited. Congrats, Keith and AD!!!!!!!
Yay! Congrats Keith and AD! We are also glad you and JB liked South Dakota. Go South Dakota! :) And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you guys! And thanks again for all of your love and help with our wedding...we watched the video tonight and were like, "Awww, what would we have done without John and Wendi?" :)
Josh says...
AD and I go way back.
I can't wait to meet her! I am a little concerned with her choice for a husband...but hey...he's a typical Huisman male so you can't go wrong, right?
Dave and Lesley, I think your anniversary was yesterday than right? Was it the 19th? I think?
Tara, NOOOOO your comments aren't excessive. That's what they are for! Keep 'em coming. It let's me know I have at least 3 people reading my blog.
Josh, you are crazy and I am sorry that I called you a Huisman-male once. It obviously hit you to your core. Ha!
Thanks for the nice write up, now I have some ideas for our engegement announcement.
You were right about most things. I am 5'8" and 26 years old. Keith is 9 months older. I was a softball catcher and majored in Sociology at Stetson. I am 10 credits away from earning my Master's in Public Administration. Not sure what I will do with it? And we would definitely be friends if we lived a little closer, I've always wanted a sister.
Keith wanted me to write "older sister"
Chicago has been great, lots of sleeping and meeting Trinity people. We are off to the Museum of Science & Industry.
I am looking forward to meeting the Huisman clan on Saturday and showing off the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.
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