Heirloom Audio Productions has one major goal: to ignite the next generation's love for Christian history. And they aren't doing this half-heartedly. Their productions are absolutely stellar and done top-notch. They are done with incredible quality that completely rivals that of their secular counterparts. This time they had the following talented actors/actresses on board:
- Brian Blessed (Star Wars, Tarzan, and Robin Hood)
- John Rhys-Davies (The Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones)
- Cathy Sara (Downtown Abbey)

Heirloom Audio Productions feels they are called to go the extra mile. These stories are all incredibly well-done and they successfully "engage their listeners' imagination by taking them back in time and immersing them in a great Christian story."
As a quick refresher, here are links to the previous two reviews I did for Heirloom Audio Productions:
This particular story was written by G.A. Henty who lived from 1832-1902. A huge man at six feet tall and more than 240 pounds with a big beard, he wrote 122 books and his published works have been estimated to have reached around 250 million readers.
It is so hard to get a good picture of kids enjoying an audio book. But here is one of my two boys looking at the CD (and CD insert) while listening to the audio with their Dad:
I head up about 90% of the homeschooling in our house, but when it comes to these CD's, my husband TAKES OVER. He absolutely LOVES these productions, and when he heard there was a third one for him to review he was ecstatic.
(And for those of you who know my husband, he is famous for being one mood all the time -- so ecstatic is saying a lot for him!)
All four of my children attempted to listen. Hannah (nearly four) was definitely too young and lost interest quickly. However, my six-year-old, Abigail, was able to follow quite well. JB had to pause it quite a bit to answer questions from her, but she really stayed with the story. My third-grade boys were at a completely age-appropriate level for this production. They still required some question answering and guidance, but they really got into the story and were excited each evening before bed to "read" more.
In addition to actually listening to the CD, what I love about this production is that there is SO MUCH bonus materials available to us. We can:
- Read the book online
- Listen to the official soundtrack (this was REALLY good!)
- View a printable cast poster
- View an Inspirational Verse Poster
- Download Desktop Wallpaper
- Download the Official Script
- Utilize the Study Guide & Discussion Starter
I have bolded the last item above because it is what I want to specifically "talk" about for a bit. The study guide is a 43-page full color downloadable document which includes information about the book author and major players in the story. It then goes into questions for each track/section of the CD and has key vocabulary as well. There is a ton of historical background scattered throughout the document, and even three Bible studies you can do using this story on the topics of:
- When God Means Evil for Good
- Resistance to Tyranny
- True Manliness
My boys are just getting old enough to use this study guide while listening. We were definitely able to use the guide, but we had to be really present and work through it with them. However, if you had middle or high schoolers, they could TOTALLY work through this study guide while listening and have a whole unit right at their fingertips!
Folks, you really have to check out Heirloom Audio Productions! Their production of In the Reign of Terror is only one of many that they have produced. I PROMISE that you will NOT be disappointed with ANYTHING they produce. It is just AMAZING stuff!
I also wanted to take a moment to talk about the Live the Adventure Club. This unique membership offers:
- Listen & Learn Audio Adventures
- Parent Resources & Daily Inspiration
- Teaching Guides & Education Treasures
- Audio Adventures sent to you FREE!
- Awesome Learning Activities
I'm really excited to join this club -- check it out!
Check our Heirloom Audio Productions on:

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