Many years ago -- sometime back in 2012 I think -- I approached my cousin and his wife about being our next couple through Because of Isaac. Ryan and Briana Huisman.
They had been married a number of years. Bri was a midwife. And all she had ever really wanted was to be a mom.
We had to raise $25,000. And we did. All along the way, Bri would doubt that the money would come in, and I would tell her how the details are easy for God.
And they are. He proved himself faithful. The money came in without many issues at all.
Money raised, they began to wait. And they waited. And waited. And waited. Months went by. Then years. Their agency was seeing nearly no birth moms come through.
I kept telling Bri that God had a plan. And maybe I believed it. But sometimes I wasn't so sure.
Two times they were almost parents. But they finished second in line. Two times they came so close only to not be anywhere closer to being a dad and mom.
And then they waited longer.
At some point, a decision was made to switch agencies. We needed to raise about $15,000 more.And we did. Again. Details. Easy. God can take care of those things.
And then about two weeks ago, at long last, word came in. They were chosen! A birth mom had picked them. And their little miracle is due to arrive early next week.
But there was a catch. Birth mom was going to deliver in Kansas. Ryan and Briana lived in Colorado.
As I worked to plan an online shower for Bri, God proved faithful again. So many people -- strangers -- getting them things that the needed to make this adoption happen.
She and I were texting late last night -- much later than I am normally awake. I told her she should get a photographer to be there with them when they met their little boy. And she told me it felt so hard because she knew no one in Kansas. She and Ryan were going to have to go to an unknown city and stay in a hotel for a week while they tried to become a dad and mom.
I remembered our adoption for Isaac. How hard it was to be in another city -- and that was a city I knew with family galore.
As we were talking, I told Bri I would try to see if I had a connection in Kansas. I kept thinking the birth was in a certain city, but as we finished texting, I asked her what city in Kansas it was just to confirm.
She said the city name.
I said the name out loud to myself.

And then ....
I bolted upright in my bed.
Didn't Joia live in that city!?
I am not a Kansas professional, so in the midnight hour of my brain, I started thinking maybe it wasn't the city where Joia lived. Maybe I was making it seem like she was that city in my mind. I didn't want to get my hopes up. But they were up.
I texted Joia. She responded. Yes. It was the same city!
Oh and did I tell Joia is a photographer?!
And Joia has a little apartment in their basement that they allow people to stay in when they have a need in their life. It is two bedrooms. A bathroom. A kitchenette!!!
And Joia -- my friend from way back in Eglin AFB -- I don't say this lightly. If there was ONE PERSON in my life that I would WANT to be THE person to be there with Bri if I couldn't be there, it would be JOIA! This ... babies and care taking are her gift! She truly is perfection when it comes to situations like this.
And she's in the same city!!
Joia and Bri have already exchanged emails. Ryan and Briana will be staying with Philip and Joia and their three kids, and Joia will be able to be there to take some photos of the birth. She has already arranged a pack-n-play and infant tub and swing and other things using her community in Wichita.
And as I flopped back down on my pillow, utterly spent, I couldn't help but think:
He has everything in his control -- even a detail like this.
I am in awe of how awesome my God is. Briana will be able to come home to a home with her little son. And be with someone who can care for her.
And she just happens to be a photographer.
God is great! It's a god thing❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely AWESOME! Praise God!!
AWESOME GOD!! AS you said, He's great with the details, even down to the last dot! What a great Big God we serve!
This gives me goose bumps; what an amazing God!
I am once again humbled before God in how HE likes to astound us with the littlest details. He has it all under control. What a might God we serve!!!
Chills,goosebumps........Can there ever be any doubt that God blesses those who are faithful. It's not always in our timeline or our perception of what it should be. Wow, just wow. He is amazing,cool and the King of all. I am so thrilled for them and thier soon to be Son. God is GOOD ALL THE TIME❤❤💓💓
Yes, Joia shared this with me but so fun to read your side of it!!! GOD is SO awesome!!!!!! So happy!!
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