Friday, May 08, 2015

Friday Funnies

Hannah picked out all this and either put it on herself or asked me to put it on her. She loved it. But as soon as I asked to take a picture, she got SOOO mad at me and just threw a fit. She is wearing a ribbon from a chocolate box on her head, a stethoscope around her neck, a Dora shirt, Tinkerbell pajama pants with a skirt on top. And she has her "Rella" (Cinderella) shoes on too. Such a piece of work.


Isaac has been asking really great questions lately. While we were in the pet store, he saw a row of huge spiders. "Why in the world would someone want a spider for a pet?" he asked.

Later, while watching Paddington Bear he heard the little girl say she was going to run away. "Why in the world would anyone want to run away?" he asked.

[I sure hope he feels that way in ten years!]


I think it may be my husband who taught my kiddos the saying, "Save the drama your Mama!" Apparently they overhead him jokingly say that to Hannah one day. They now go around saying, "Save the drama for the Mama!"

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