Saturday, September 06, 2014

Friday Funnies

While out at a restaurant, the waitress asked Sidge what he wanted to eat.
Me: "He'd like a cheeseburger."
Waitress: "Okay. So just cheese?"
Me: "Yes."
Sidge: "Mom, I'd like the meat too."


When leaving the restaurant mentioned above, the waitress said to us: "I hope ya'll come back." And Sidge, always being honest, looked at me and said, "Mom, do I have to?"


While talking about the difference between boys and girls, JB joked that it was okay if Sidge didn't want to get married because "girls have coodies." Sidge looked at him and said, "What does coodies mean. Is that the same thing as does not have a penis?"


Sidge was using the restroom in the hotel room for a very long time. Nothing unusual for him. " JB asked him how he was doing. "I'm having a fine time," was Sidge's reply.


Abigail likes me to "help" her tell a story at night before bed by giving her prompts. Last night, this is how it went.
Me: "Once upon a time there was a princess named ..."
Abigail: "Belle."
Me: "And Belle liked to go to ..."
Abigail: "Target."


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