Monday, March 12, 2012

Don't Carpe Diem

I really enjoyed this post on motherhood entitled: Don't Carpe Diem. It reminds all of us, mothers or not, to remember that while it's a nice idea, seizing every second of every hour is not really always possible or feasible. Sometimes we trudge through the mud. Sometimes days are hard. It's okay that we feel that way.   Or in other words, Hakuna Matata!


David and Lesley said...

Great post!

AW said...

I feel a bit like a pot-stirrer writing this, but I totally disagree with that blog post about "Carpe Diem". It bothered me, but I couldn't verbalize why. Until I read this:

Hope you see some blessing in it as I did!

John K (Temperate Climate Permaculture) said...

Hey Monkey Momma, I definitely saw the blessing in this other post as well. I think both offer great insight. It is totally okay to stir pots in nice ways!

I think my "like" of the carpe diem post is permission to not feel guilty if every moment is not perfection, if you sometimes feel tired. That that's okay.

A mix, I think is important. I totally agreed with nearly everything in the post you shared as well. I think I may start a friendly "debate" in the future. Great points.

Anonymous said...

Oops Monkey, that was me (Wendi), not my husband in the last comment!

AW said...

Hahaha! I thought that was a strange comment from him. Glad you saw that my point was not to argue, but just share my personal perspective.