Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Oh Elijah

Me: "Elijah, how many eyes do you have?"
Elijah: "Blue."
Me: "When is your birthday?"
Elijah: "January."
Me: "January what?"
Elijah: "Kitsteiner."
Me: "How many fingers do you have?'
Elijah: Begins counting and says, "Eight."
Me: "No, you have 10."
Elijah: Looks at his hands and says, "But those two are fumbs."
Me: Reading him a book about what people are good at. Some kids are good at sports, others school, others computers or helping their parents. "Elijah, what are you good at?"
Elijah: "Eating."
(It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't so true.)
Me: "Veronica is my Veronica."
Elijah: "No, she's my Veronica."
Me: "No, my Veronica."
Elijah: "We can share her."
We passed a man in the BX in Germany who did, I must admit, bear a great resemblance to Ol' St. Nick. As we passed him, Elijah grabbed my cheeks and turned my head and said, "I thought that was Santa Claus!"
And we can't leave Isaac out:
Isaac: "When Abigail gets bigger, we are going to hit her with snowballs."
And one more Isaacism:
Me: "Isaac it is time to come inside."
Isaac: "Hold on a second, Mommy."
Me: "Isaac, you need to obey Mommy right away."
Isaac: "Well, okay Mommy. I will come at once."

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