While in the midst of our move to Turkey, I have continued to write for the RLS Foundation. I do writing and editing and website work for this organization. At one point I was doing as many as 20 hours a week. But now, I am down to a mere handful of hours. These hours seem to come in bursts, and no one can time when those bursts come. It all depends on what is going on on their end at the time. But there has been a burst the last few days. Not great timing, but I so appreciate continuing my work for them -- the opportunity to keep my writing fresh and earn a little extra money. JB actually writes for them too. He writes a piece in each of their quarterly newsletters which takes abstracts and puts them in layman's terms.
Aren't we the team?
Anyways, I write all that to say that I am in the library where a nice lady named Maxine helped me to use their fairly antiquated scanner to send my edits back to the Foundation.
We are, officially, moved into our new home. We have, official, "new" loaner furniture and kitchen supplies. These are not worthy of pictures so I won't bother you with them right now. They are used and old and not my personal preference. But they are also quite helpful and much appreciated it. We even have cribs and high chairs and end tables. It's quite exciting.
Even better? JB and I both have a full-sized bed. Put next to each other in our bedroom it makes for one pretty stinkin' wide bed.
Love it!
While we are moved in, Internet and phone is not currently set up so my updates may be scant for the time being. I went to get a router today after JB got home from work. The lady who worked at the Internet place (which happens to be in the back of the bowling alley -- not kidding) told me I needed a phone number. Okay. I don't have one of those. So I asked her if I could use her phone to call the phone people. I called the phone people who told me that they would send me a form via email! Okay so this problem was getting quite circular. I told them I didn't have email because I didn't have a phone number which meant I couldn't get a router. Okay. So Plan C. The guy on the phone tells me he can walk me through the form over the phone. Fantastic! So he starts and then he stops because his computer is locked up. He asks if I can call back tomorrow. I can't call back tomorrow because I don't have a phone.
I'm handing this over to JB. He can call from work tomorrow.
Work for JB is, for the next 7-10 days, helping him get his feet wet. Lots of tours and learning and meeting and that sort of thing. They are going easy on him so that he can help us get situated at the house as well. He came home for lunch, and we ran over to the Commissary and BX where we tried to get all those things you need in a house but don't have because your stuff is on a ship somewhere. Soap, shampoo, garbage bags you know, those kinds of things.
He works with two other doctors, Nick, our friend from Eglin, and a gal named Andrea. Nick is getting ready to go back to the States in a few weeks. Andrea just got here. So JB and Andrea need to learn a lot and learn it fast.
Today we hired a gardener. His name is Ilhan. We also met his brother-in-law whose name is not coming to me at the moment, but I have it written on the fridge so I am not worried. Scrubs met them both and approved. The boys met them both and approved.
We also met Nadia who works at a nanny around the block. The family she works for is moving in a few weeks so she is looking for more work. I told her I am not interested in full-time care, but after Isaac jumped into her arms and gave her a hug (he never does this) I may talk to JB about utilizing her a morning a week or so to run some errands on Base. Since both the BX and Commissary do not have double carts, taking both boys will probably be a bit more trouble than it is worth.
Okay, got to get back to the house. I have no idea if JB needs me or not since we have no phones and no way to communicate when one of us is gone from the house.
Stay tuned for more of our new life.
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