Monday, August 30, 2010

A few funnies from Isaac

Isaac and Elijah are playing in the other room. Elijah starts crying. Isaac runs into the room.

Mommy: "What happened to your brother?"

Isaac: "He's fat."

Mommy: "He's fat?"

Isaac: "No. He sat."

Mommy: "He sat? He sat on what?"

Isaac: "He sat on the cat in the hat."

* * * * *

Isaac and Elijah are playing outside. Isaac pushes Elijah down the stairs. Elijah starts screaming. He has a huge bump on his forehead. After a time-out, Isaac comes to say sorry to Elijah, and Mommy attempts to show Isaac what his actions caused for Elijah.

Mommy: "Do you see that?"

Isaac: "See what?"

Mommy: Points to the bump on Elijah's head. "What is that?"

Isaac: Pauses. "Skin."

* * * * *

And then, the most classic of all. After a bath last night Isaac looks down and says, "Mommy. I have a peanut."


denise said...

those are so cute! love the peanut comment :)

Anonymous said...

Regarding the peanut comment, we have the opposite going on. Since having Thai food the other night, our toddler has been talking about eating "penis sauce".

Susan from Seattle

Joy Z said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I laughed so hard at the "peanut" comment. I loved the "skin" answer too. Good laughs!!!

AW said...

Bwahahahahaha! Skin. Hahahahaha! OMG, that is too funny.