Sunday, August 01, 2010

Thanks Hershal!

Hershal, who is admittedly, one of those people who doesn't do a great job sending photos to you after he takes them, has reformed himself. Here are some photos during our time in Cary, North Carolina, just a few days before we moved to Turkey:

Here I am trying to teach Edward how to give Scrubs "five." Or is it that we rae teaching Scrubs how to give Edward "five." Not sure.

Edward giving Scrubs a hug.

Our attempt at a group photo. Scrubs was giving up when this photo was taken. Isaac was crying. And all the kiddos were looking at Isaac.

Isaac in a favorite toy of his at Edward's house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much fun! So glad you are moving in tomorrow! Hope you soon get adjusted to the time change. Miss you. Love you, mich