I just got a strange email from the Air force. They said they couldn't get a hold of you or Wendi. They wanted me to pass along some bad news.
Sorry man, but you need to take a look at the attachment.
Give me a call and let me know what I can do.
The attachment? Check the picture below. I mean, this picture may be funny to some (and okay, this whole email and picture was very funny to us) but this is someone's photo albums! Really! Someone's whole living room is going over. Their Grandma's china! Is this photo for real?

I actually knew someone that had their entire shipment go overboard. No joke. While replacement was available from then on I always backed up important documents, photos (at that time by placing the negatives in a safety deposit box - thank goodness for hard drives and scanning these days), items that had some significant importance to me I try to keep safe. Some of those items ended up burning up in my mothers house while we were overseas so that back up kind of backfired. :(
It is a real photo - it actually happened yesterday!
I don't know how helpful it is for Wendi to have to ponder that the picture is real-and recent.
Just real quick wanted to say that my sister just moved overseas with her pug, who got majorly annoyed with her when she had to put him back in his crate for the last leg of the flight.
Laura HP
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