Thursday, January 22, 2009

I think it's time . . .

to tell you all the Elijah has decided he wants to stay in my womb forever! :)

Okay sorry for that little joke, but if I don't attempt a good laugh right now, I might attempt a good cry. Last night as we were getting ready for bed, JB asked me when Elijah was going to get here, and I surprised us both when I burst into tears! A bit of hormones I am sure but just also a bit overwhelmed with the thought that these contractions could continue on for quite some time longer.

Don't get me wrong. They are not to the point of being debilitating. Every once in awhile I have one that takes my breath away, but for the most part, right now, it just feels like I have a bad stomachache or bad menstrual cramps. (Although I think this non-ovulatory girl has only had bad menstrual cramps one time in my life so I can't really be sure.) The intense lower abdomen pain that brought me into L&D was a result of his head pressing down on my pubic bone so hard. Either he isn't pressing as hard anymore or my pubic bone has adjusted to that as that is no longer a major issue. I'm just uncomfortable and tired. But at the most, I have to do this for about fifteen more days. I can do that, right?! Right everyone?!

I have also been so blessed by the people who have volunteered to help me. This has totally taken the pressure off of me as a Mom. Tiff has offered for me to come over anytime just to sit and chill on her couch while our boys play. Bobbie has offered to come over for anything that I may need. Brittney is on ready call to take Isaac for some pre-labor playtime. And many others have offered their help as well. This has allowed me to relax and not stress if I just can't handle anything. Right now, I am doing well. I sleep when Isaac sleeps and am still getting a bit of work done for RLSF (just some finishing touches.)

I wanted to close with a picture from our wifia lunch yesterday which I went to. Why sit at home and feel a bit yucky when you can sit with friends and feel yucky? Here I am, quite ready to pop and having a ton of contractions, with Joia & Moriah (left) and Andrea & Chloe.

Our wifia lunches have turned into quite the circus. When we started them 1.5 years ago, there were just four little kids. Now there are seven with an eighth on the way. Isaac's mobility is the newest fun adventure for our gang.


Jenny said...

Awww.. Wendi! Sorry you are feeling SO overwhelmed! I know it sounds crazy but I was actually much less stressed just after my baby arrived. I felt like I had more control over everything and was much more mobile (even though I had a c-sec) than at the end of my pregnancy. So in my experience it got better as soon as we brought the new arrival home. It's so hard not being able to rely on your body that was once so predictable and capable. I thought I would never be able to get back to my old self but it happened sooner than I could imagine. Hang in there!! Believe it or not there will be a time where you look back to these last few days of pregnancy and miss them. No, really.

Saying prayers for you guys!


andnotbysight said...

Oh, I hope he comes soon! I'll be praying!

Joy Z said...

Wendi, just want you to know that you are completely normal! The last few weeks are so hard and quite emotional for me as well. Hormones I'm sure, but also you're having quite a lack of sleep due to being uncomfortable and that, added up over time, makes everything hard. Make sure you take everyone up on their offers! You need it! I find that I often need just as much help right before delivery as I do afterwards. At least afterwards, I can get out of bed without feeling like my hips are falling apart! I will pray for you in these last days and YES, you CAN do it and the Lord is helping you.

Amy T. S. said...

Wendi, I find this picture quite sad in a joyous way. Your sweet friends holding their babies and Elijah acting like this is your first pregnancy or something! Come out, dude!

Hang in there!

Beth said...

So sorry that Elijah is being a bit stubborn. We played a similar waiting game with Phillip and it was miserable, but it did eventually come to an end. I tried all the old wives tales, except castor oil and none worked--my surefire method--have a mouse run into your foot! Being scared like that got everything started in earnest. And just think, you will always have something to hold over his head.

Anonymous said...

I remember Hannah's first --it seemed like she was in "labor" forever!! probably cuz i was going to get to see him born -but no, you can ask her!! It was hang in there!! He's on his way --just taking his sweet time and then he'll probably be one to grab life with a zest!! Gabe made his debut finally and hasn't stopped moving and running and enjoying life since!! I LOVED what Beth said!! hugs Tante Jan

Anonymous said...

I remember Hannah's first --it seemed like she was in "labor" forever!! probably cuz i was going to get to see him born -but no, you can ask her!! It was hang in there!! He's on his way --just taking his sweet time and then he'll probably be one to grab life with a zest!! Gabe made his debut finally and hasn't stopped moving and running and enjoying life since!! I LOVED what Beth said!! hugs Tante Jan

Blessed Blackman Bunch said... girlie did the pubic bone deal to me....OUCH!

That is all I will say. I feel your pain! :P

All will be WONDERFUL! :)