Saturday, January 10, 2009

Belly facts . . .

*** This is a pregnancy intensive post. Please feel free to skip it and tune in tomorrow if this is too painful. ***

My belly is now an entity of its own. I often forget it is quite as large as it us until I run into something unexpectedly. It is then that I look down, shocked, and think: When did that thing get there? Here are some incredibly true facts about my current state of being and the belly that I had long ago quit dreaming about ever having:

  • I can no longer get in between Scrubs' dog kennel and the dryer to get the clothes out. I have to tackle the laundry from the side of the dryer instead. This means I have dropped quite a few items, right into Scrubs' water bowl. Back in the laundry they go.

  • I am no longer able to slide in between the back dining room table and the sliding glass door. I keep thinking I can. I keep trying. And I keep getting stuck halfway and asking whoever is sitting in the chair to please stand up because I am stuck.

  • At Christmas Dinner, I overfilled my glass of Coke and quickly moved in for the "sip-the-suds-out-before-they-run-over" move. I got almost there and couldn't reach the glass!Everyone asked why I quit when I was right there? I had to explain that I didn't quit . . . but belly + table blocked a successful finish.

  • Parking too close to other cars presents quite a conundrum. It looks like I can fit. I think I can fit. It's just like the sliding glass door event. And then, I open the door, try to slide out and realize that this whole idea was a terribly bad one and the car will need to be reparked. Alas . . . I cannot fit. I cannot even come close to fitting. I can't get the door open at all!

  • Carrying the laundry basket = difficult. Where do you prop that thing? I cant' carry it in front of me. It hurts to carry it on my side. And sitting it on the top of the belly just feels weird -- I keep picturing Elijah's butt holding up the laundry basket.

If you are still in doubt that my belly is as big as I am implying, here's a vide of Isaac with said-belly to drive the point home. (This video also, at the very end, shows Isaac answering the "Where's Da-Da?" question he has become so good at.) We are even starting to think that Isaac is saying Da-da. He definitely says it but the question is, does he know what he is saying? We aren't sure yet.


Anonymous said...

He's just toooooo cute!! looks like he thinks he has a nice beach ball to play with!! Tante Jan

Anonymous said...

Video's great! Won't be long now-in the meantime, happy waddling!:)
love, mom k

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

He KNOWS who Da da is!!! :)
Did I hear John say the beloved word BUBBA?
Have a great Sat. Off to watch Bball soon!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw Elijah move? That is so cute. Isaac is loving his brother already! mom h

Gabbs said...

I thought I saw Elijah move too, but figured it was just Isaac moving Elijah! Hey, Wen....DID Elijah move?

I call Grace Bubba, too!

I love this video. I can't wait to see my little Isaac again, AND meet Elijah!!

Joy Z said...

I don't carry the laundry basket anymore at that point, I just scoot it across the floor with my foot - easier than bending over!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

You know, I think I saw him move too ... and chances are, he did, since he moves nearly NON-STOP 24 hours a DAY!