Sunday, January 11, 2009

Eight hours total

Sunday morning playtime

JB and I have joked that between the two of us, we managed one successful night sleep.

He got about four hours last night on labor and delivery. I think I probably managed about four hours of my own bringing our total to a whopping eight! I continue to be plagued by discomfort but even worse, some sort of nausea/upset stomach every time I lie down. Apparently this is not uncommon during the last weeks of pregnancy. And it's also stopping me from gaining any more weight!

I was blessed that Scrubby and Isaac both decided to let me sleep until 6:40 this morning -- a welcome respite when you have been lying awake for more of the night. This is especially difficult for Scrubs because as soon as he realizes I am on the couch, he has an incredible desire to snuggle and get his cold nose underneath my blanket and as near to my own face as he can. Usually after some good ear scratches, he'll give up and lie down by my side, but it often takes some convincing.

This morning, however, Isaac woke up first. I opened the sliding glass door for Scrubs and Isaac and I retreated to the couch for some morning snuggles. Isaac will often just lie on my or JB's chest after we get up in the morning and since he is not a big-time snuggler, we welcome the opportunity. By the time Isaac was done snuggling, I moved out to the yard to call Scrubs in only to discover that he had long ago done his business and returned to his bed in the kitchen.

We didn't make it to church as JB needed to sleep and the thought of managing it on my own -- so pregnant, so tired, and so taking care of Isaac, was a little more than I could emotionally handle. I really have not been very hormonal or emotional through my entire pregnancy -- until the last few days. Crying comes easily lately.

Right now, Scrubs and JB are off on their long Sunday morning run. Eight miles again today. JB took a three hour nap when he got home this morning, woke up, and headed out. When he gets back, we'll need to get ready to head down to the beach. One of the first year's wives does photography on the side and is going to do some family photos for us. We figure it's probably the last opportunity we'll have as a family of three.

For now, I'm waiting for Isaac to tell me he's ready for nap #2 and watching some football. Have a sweet Sunday everyone.

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