Isaac hadn't slept more than 10 minutes since being woken up that morning, and he was one tired little boy. However, there were so many new things to look at it, that he didn't fuss or cry at all. He just sat with Joan most of the visit, smiling at their dog Andre', eating, and looking at every light and ceiling fan that he could. The moment we climbed in the van to head to JB's folks' house, however, Isaac fell asleep -- honestly we hadn't even made it out of the driveway before he was out solid. That was 11:30, and it was 2:30 before he woke up.
Here are some snapshots from the day. Joan took a few with her camera as well, and I may share those in the future when she passes them off to me. For now, here's a few to enjoy!
Isaac took some time to play the piano. He doesn't appear to have his Aunt Joanie's musical abilities at this point in his life. Quite a cacophony of noise ensued let me assure you!
A family shot outside. We quickly gave up getting our tired boy to look at the camera. The only thing he wanted to look at was Andre'!
Another photo with our tired little guy in la-la land. See how blonde his hair looks here? Doesn't Bri look great?! She passed off a lot of her maternity clothes to me. Sort of weird for me to be the pregnant gal and her the non-pregnant gal yet. But I know we are both relieved that it's my turn this time!
Here's Isaac enjoying the water with his hair looking a little red! Our son is a chameleon! (And he really liked the pool water. Anything ot not be hot!)
Andre dragging his rear end on the pavement.
And here is another featuring Andre Agassi on a lizard hunt.
While it was a short visit, it was wonderful to catch up with Joan and Bri! They are amazing gals and even without Isaac in the picture, would always have a special place in our family. JB and I were exhausted after our long trip and early morning, but we were so blessed to have just a few hours to spend catching up and letting them love on Isaac.
Looks like he's going to love music!
I miss you guys already; guess we have some road trips in our future now:)love ya, mom k
ps Bri, you look terrific!
Hi Wendy,
It was great to hear from you, and thanks for the welcome to the family! I have to admit that checking your blog has become something of a regular part of my day!! I aspire to be as good about posting as you are!! haha!
Ryan and I are so very happy and excited for you and JB and the amazing things God is doing in your lives. He is so faithful!!! Isaac is getting so big (I love his rollie, pollie chub), and you have such a cute pregnant belly!!!
Take care and keep in touch!!
i had a lot of fun, that picture of andre dragging his little butt made me laugh for a long time.
oh thank you mom k!
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