Here is a photo of my new puppy with his dad. Yes, my new puppy is a boy! And yes, I'm going to try to answer all the questions you have asked about him.
What you going to name it?
I currently don't have a name for my new puppy since I have only known about him for all of 2 days. We have some ideas but haven't finalized a name yet. We'll probably stick with an "artistic" name since our birds have been: Monet, Chaucer, and Twaine(tte). Any "artistic" suggestions? Tara, I liked your idea of a Nigerian name! Not bad. I'm going to mention that to JB. Although I think we have to save the name Lauretta gave us for a child. As Funky pointed out, birds do count as pets!
Why a dog?
In the last two weeks, I have brought up the idea of a dog to JB numerous times. I actually read it in one of my infertility books. They suggested that while a dog doesn't replace a chiId, it can help ease the loneliness. I also have a dear friend who was in my support group in Minnesota who also does not have children. She and her husband bought a dog, and she told me it was one of the best things she did.
In the last two weeks, I have not been bored at all. I've been quite busy. However, our house is very quiet. Other than the occasional jets and our chirping bird, it's eerily quiet. This is due to the fact that the houses on all sides of us are currently vacant and the fact that these houses are so solid, I cannot even hear the rain from inside the house! (I think I am going to start cracking a window so I can hear it. Who doesn't like to hear rain?)
I guess I say all this to say that I've been lonely and more aware than ever that while the majority of my friends are home with their children, I'm home by myself. Yes, we are adopting, but that is probably over two years away. So what could I do to not be quite so lonely, especially when JB is doing his two weeks of night shifts (one of which starts next week)?
"Unbeknowest" to me, JB had already thought of this! He bought this dog a month ago -- two weeks before I ever suggested it to him.
Why a Dalmatian?
Yes, I have always wanted a Dalmatian. If you knew me in high school, my bedroom was coated with them. I found this picture from me in 1994. This is actually an old friend, D.J., who I haven't seen in a decade. The guy on the right? John's younger brother Ray!

However, truthfully, I never really thought I'd get a Dalmatian. JB had heard that they were mean and dumb and had convinced me of this.
So when John got online a month ago to try to pick a dog for me, he wasn't even thinking Dalmatian. He did all these online quizzes to try to find the "perfect fit". He wanted a dog that would keep me company, be good with children, go on jogs with me, and also be a "guard dog" of sorts. Every single search engine listed Dalmatian in the top three!
He did some more research and realized that Dalmatians are actually not mean OR dumb. The mean "rumor" comes from the fact that when the two Dalmatian movies came out, people started mass producing the dogs and people who weren't serious about having a dog began to buy them. You ended up with a bunch of dogs no one could take care of and a thus some mean dogs. In addition, the "dumb" rumor is also not true. It stems from the fact that Dalmatians are one of the only dogs who don't respond to punishment! John informs me that you have to distract if they are bad, praise if they are good. But punishing doesn't work for them.
In addition, boy Dalmatians are apparently more friendly for girls. JB had a choice between two boys and a girl, and he picked this one.
Who is going to train the dog?
I am! Actually, if you know JB well, you know that he had a black lab in high school -- Bronte -- who still lives with his parents today. John trained Bronte amazingly! You could throw a slab of meat in front of her and she'd leave it there. John is going to walk me through it, and he says if I follow the rules, in a few months, I'll have a wonderful, house-broken puppy!
When is he arriving?
He actually flies in to the Fort Walton Beach Airport tomorrow at 2:00!!!! We'll get him then. He was raised by a family in Delaware and is eight weeks old! The family has a bunch of kids so he is used to being around kids and families and other dogs.
Are you excited?
I am so excited folks! John was just going to surprise me and bring the dog home. However, I had had a really hard "I'm still childless" day, and he wanted to do something so he decided to tell me the news! I think this will be a great distraction for me while we wait for our daughter to arrive. I'm thrilled. When he showed me the video, I first started crying. Then I said, "Did you call Sarah?"
I'll be sure to update you tomorrow once we bring him home.
I'm so excited for you Wendi!
I showed Andrew the video of your new puppy, and he said, "now I know why they're called Dolmations, they're little dolly's". :) He is an avid animal lover. Animal Planet is his favorite channel. I am glad John did the research. I was under the same impression he was. I had always heard Dalmations were not good with children. I'm glad to hear that's not true. They're such beautiful dogs. Linda
PS Wendi, check out my comment under your suntan blog. I'm a few days lat commenting - so not sure if you'd see it.
By the way, Hi Justin, it was good to see that picture of you. Miss you. Aunt Linda
Hey Linda, I get an email notificatiion of comments so I can see them all. So does Jergens not leave her orange at all? I may try it. Although I think I'll have a tan enough baseline here!
John had one rule for me when we got TV here. Get any plan I wanted but it HAD to have the 5 discovery channels!!! We'd love for our dog to meet your kids! COME VISIT!!!! Great place to vacation!
Neil and I have two dogs and two cats. All four have been instrumental in our healing. We give animals far too little credit for their abilities to love.
Dalmatians are great with kids, but they are also high energy. So the fact that you two are runners are a great fit! And the fact that your dog will have started to come out of his "puppy" stage by the time your human baby gets here is a good thing!
Artists names?
I think Pablo is my favorite.
Hey! You can name the dog "English" since we ruled it out for your daughter.
Oh's a boy.
So the dog could just be metro and have English as a name anyway.
How awesome! That puppy is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! I'm so excited for you, Wendi! John - way to go! You are so thoughtful.
Can't wait to see it! :-)
What a wonderful huband! What a thoughtful gift! Go to IVillage and they have tons of author/artistic pet names listed. How about Clem or Clemens (as in Samuel)or Cooper (James Fennimore)or Jack (for Jack London Call of the Wild). Have fun and be sure to get his hearing checked...many dalmations have problems with deafness. Annie from Texas (and fellow dog lover!)
Thanks Annie. The dog did have a hearing test before JB bought it. Thanks for the name advice too. :)
In thinking of names, I heard that dogs do better with names that are on syllable...easier for training. That is all I know about dogs!
Very cute pup!
Can't wait to kiss that puppy! =)
I have no name suggestions for you, but I am SO excited that you're getting a puppy!!!!! I"m warning you...puppies are HARD work, but so worth it. We had 2 at once (what were we thinking???) and I wouldn't trade either of them (now 5.5 years old). I am just so happy for you because I know he will be so loved!!!
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