The final results of the "name" poll overwhelmingly favored "Scrubs". 55.1% of you voted for "Scrubs", 24% of you for Dante, and only 8% for Picasso. JB and I, too, have favored "Scrubs" and spent all of yesterday calling him Scrubs. However, we aren't sure it is right for this dog. It just isn't fitting. That being the case, we think his name is Scrubs bur are still debating.
I'm following the rules of our puppy book (and JB) as closely as possible and so far, thing seem to be going pretty well. We have the little guy set up in the laundry room with a nice little caged in area that includes a piece of sod and his crate. Sometimes we keep him in the crate; sometimes in the penned in area. He spends 1 hour in there. At that point, he comes out, goes outside, and goes to the bathroom. If he goes successfully, which he usually does, he gets some food. Then we take him back inside, play for fifteen minutes, and repeat the process. If he doesn't go to the bathroom, he returns to his crate and then tries again later.
At night, we keep him in a crate in our room. He whines himself to sleep and when he whined at midnight, 3am, and 5am, one of us took him out to use the bathroom and give treats. This book actually teaches that you don't give them dog food in a bowl at all right now. All their food comes from your hands and from these "KONG" toys that teach them to chew on these toys until food comes out. So far, while I am very tired, I am impressed with the training as ?Scrubs? seems to be getting the idea.
Matt and Tiffany came over last night for some pizza. She brought homemade treats for our new friend! They have a little dog, Wyatt. We watched a favorite movie of their's Monty Python and the Holy Grail. While it was witty in spots, I can't say I recommend it. :)
This morning, we are going to try a new church, Rocky Bayou Baptist. We'll see how that goes. Right now, Calvary Chapel Fort Walton is leading the pack of the four churches we have tried so unless this one beats it, we may return to try Calvary again.
All right. The one hour alarm on the dog is about to go off. I am really excited about my puppy! I think, once he's trained, he's going to be a lot of fun. Heck, even now, I'm having a lot of fun. I'll try to post a video later today if I can.
I also want to say how blessed I am to be John's wife. He knew just what I need. I think this puppy will be the perfect diversion during the 2+ years as we wait for our daughter's arrival. Nothing could have padded the emptiness in our home better than this little guy. Thanks JB! I love you!
aha! i knew it! revote.
Tara, isn't it like 4am in California. What are you doing up!??!?!
Wendy and John -
He is beautiful. You know how much the Nelson's love dogs. Nellie checked it out this morning too and she said aahhhh - he's so cute.
Congrats. During all our tough times our dogs have always brought fun and comfort. We are off to a softball Tourney in Winona. Good Luck with the pup.
He is SO cute and I'm really happy for you. Puppies are great!
He is so precious! Gotta admit, I voted for "Dante", but I'll take any name he goes by because I'm so excited that he's here!
I think I can pronouce Scrubs.
Thank you. So cute Wen. I'm happy for you.
it's called labor and delivery. boo.
Wendi, what an adorable puppy! And I'm so glad you have him. My pups have been instrumental in healing my heart over the years. They really are my furbabies. :-)
BTW, love the name Dante. If I'd looked on your blog this weekend, I'd have voted for that.
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