Happy Independence Day folks! This will be our first Fourth of July on a military base. I would figure there would be a bunch of activities, but we don't know how to find them! I'm sure by next year we'll know what to do. Instead, we may just grill out and play it by ear. (Non native-English speakers, this means -- "see what happens").
JB is off today! That is wonderful. In exchange, he's working most of the weekend so we are trying to treat today like a Saturday. John went for a run and worked in the yard most of the morning. I took today off of running. I'm trying to do two days on and one day off to give my legs a break. I instead spent the morning unpacking JB's books. (Stay tuned for more on this in a later-this-week post . . . complete with pictures!)
Quite honestly, between JB's busy schedule (Tuesday was as packed full as Monday) and my headaches, we just want to keep it a quiet day. I have refrained from commenting about my headaches on my blog because I've just been trying to ignore them, but quite honestly, I have had at least a slight headache since the Sunday that my Aunt Jane and Uncle Ed were in town. They came on hormonally, following the elimination of my IVF medications and the failed cycle. However, it has now been three weeks, and they aren't getting much better. Occasionally, they sprout into a migraine -- complete with the "auras" of light that often accompany my migraines. Sometimes they are on the light side. Sometimes they are just dull throbbing.
Both John and I thought that after about two weeks, they'd be gone since I am finally not on any hormones. However, now we are wondering if the absence of hormones is sending my body into withdrawal. Or, could it be that the headache medicine is causing me withdrawal? John has already cut me off of all Tylenol since that is the worst culprit of withdrawal headaches. But at this point, neither of us really know.
Since I have made a promise to myself not to enter a doctor's office for at least a year, I'm trying to muddle through, but it is becoming more difficult. The pain is one thing, however, the upset stomach that follows the pain can be even worse. Sigh . . . I can't wait to have my body back. I truly cannot wait to just feel like me. I'm not really sure what that feels like. At least these are not as bad as IVF cycle #1. The cycle that required 10+ Tylenol with codeines a day to function. Yikes!
Enough about the headaches. I don't plan on mentioning them again -- at least until they are gone for good. I know people have to get sick of my infertility-related-grumbles. And since we are not doing infertility treatments anymore, I'd like the grumbles to desist as well.
Anyways, have a great Fourth of July everyone! Oh and Happy Birthday to my brother-in-law Ray who turns 29 today as well as my friend Michelle who turned 30 on the 2nd! Hershal and Michelle recently had their first son. Congrats guys! Oh, and Shea, she turns 30 on the 7th. Wow, I'm really remembering some birthdays right now. And I promise, I'm not cheating at all.
For real, signing off. Happy Fourth . . . again.
Wendi - I think we used the same flag for our blogs! :-)
I don't think you should feel bad about mentioning the headaches.helps us pray...but also others reading your blog with infertility struggles may find comfort knowing they are normal and not alone if they have headaches. Plus a headache is just so awful -i feel for you! and am praying this morning about them.
hugs Tante Jan
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