Thursday, April 01, 2021

A super cool stop

On the 3.5 hour drive yesterday between Carlsbad Caverns (in the middle of NOWHERE!) and White Sands (Also in the middle of NOWHERE!) we happened upon one of the neatest little farm stands I’d ever done seen .... 

We ended up stopping for close to an hour. Incredibly clean bathrooms, well-cared for animals, and all kinds of products that I found out they had once done on their farm but now have to “hire out” due to regulations. 

When you talk to people off-the-beaten-path, they have strong opinions about how the big cities are making decisions on their behalf. I’ve seen this by us too — how city folk have no idea how things work in these rural areas and how regulations are putting these farms out of business. 

The book I read a few months ago by Joel Salatin: Everything I Want to do is Illegal really spoke to this. Government inserting itself into so many things may not be a big deal to people in cities, but to this rancher, he quickly explained that it meant the end of what he wanted to do and a switch to trying to “make it work” while not selling his grandfather’s land. 

I think the only way you can understand how far-reaching politics and values go is to get away from your bubble and see different people. This rancher said to me without prompting: “Santa Fe is making the decisions for all the ranchers out here. And they have no idea what their decisions mean.” 

Food for thought .... 

But in other thought, I was so impressed by their business on the side of the road. I bought a lovely cross and used a very clean bathroom and the kids got to see some super cool animals!!!

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