Saturday, May 04, 2019

We Bought a Farm: Why we do what we do

My small farm is a tiny breeze blowing against the hurricane that is coming. But I will not sit idle knowing it is my children and grandchildren that will have to deal directly with that hurricane when it hits. 

Our society keeps passing the bill for “cheap food” on to the next generation, and the tab keeps getting larger. The bill must eventually be paid.

Permaculture is not the only solution. But the ethics and principals of Permaculture make the most sense to me in practical terms. This is why I call our farm, the Bauernhof Kitsteiner, a Permaculture farm.

Our food is not cheap. It is not subsidized. It is not mass produced.

Our food is real. It is healthy. It is good for my children. It is good for our earth.

It is making a difference.
Even if that difference is small.

“The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for own existence and that of our children.”
– Bill Mollison (cofounder of Permaculture)

P.S. I ask ALL of you to consider finding a local farm to support. Stop buying your meat and eggs from grocery stores. Find someone who does it and does it right. It costs more. But it IS worth it. 

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