Tuesday, May 28, 2019

We Bought a Farm: I choose chickens

"You know you own chickens when you watch them play in the yard more than you watch TV."

I find my Blog morphing.

As my kids get older, I find that there "funnies" and "life" are a little bit more off limits. They will in fact even say to me, "Don't post that."

Although I will share one funny from today.

Abigail had two friends over. She wanted a piece of gum. I told her, "If you are going to have a piece of gum, you have to offer both of your friends one. It isn't nice to not share with guests. They'll feel bad."

My little dry-witted Isaac piped in, "Unless it's broccoli."

That made me laugh.

Hannah also said today, "In Karate, the boys make the letter E sign with their hands." Very true. The sign for E and the bent finger move you make in Karate does have a lot of similarities.

She also told me, "I either wake up when it is dark out or light out."

Another very true statement.

But I digress from what I started this Blog post to do. I wanted to show you what putting the animals to bed at night looks like.

You have to do this at the just right moment. If you show up too early, the chickens will have not gone in their house. You can go too late, but then you need light (and a guard dog because it can get a little spooky wondering what is out there with you in the pitch black.) 

Here's what it looks like to put the chickens to bed at dusk on the farm: 

And here is what it looks like to put the guineas to bed (in case you missed this post.)  

Many days I look at my friends in suburbia and think, what is their life like at dusk. It's different. But in the end, it's all about choices and what we decide to put our time into.

I choose chickens.


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