Monday, May 13, 2019

A Mother's Day Song

When my parents found out that we were pregnant with Elijah "Sidge" they immediately adopted this song in honor of his miraculous conception.

Every time any of us hear it now, we think about the fact that somehow, after all the pain, I have four amazing children. 

As I entered church yesterday, some people told me Happy Mother's Day. Like always, these words sit hard with me. It's a holiday that will never mean the same to me that it does to other people. I can't help it. And I won't apologize for it. 

My heart grieved so hardly on this day for so many years that I know walk through the day gingerly, so conscious of the hearts that are broken and the reminder that a day of celebration can cause. 

I actually appreciated that our church didn't make a big deal of the day. I didn't really think about it through much of the service. But when this song started playing, I couldn't help but cry. 

How Great is our God,


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