Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Moment by Moment

I am trying to live my life moment by moment. So many things in this life we wish we knew. So many unknowns. So many things I want to control. When will I learn that I am not in control? When will I give God full control? Truthfully, we don't know what will happen in 10 minutes nevertheless 10 weeks, months, or years.

Right now, I am still pretty sick. The nausea is at its worst from about 1am-10am -- its very worst from 4am-8am. Nausea is a good sign, and I am reminding myself of that. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday to hopefully see baby's heartbeat!

I am going to bed at around 7pm each evening to try to get a solid 5-6 hours of sleep before the nausea sets in. Your continued prayers for me and the husband and Connie supporting me are so appreciated. We are hanging in there!


Anonymous said...

I would say try some saltine crackers but don't know if there are any where you live. I believe that ginger is also supposed to help with morning sickness. I had horrible morning sickness lasting all day with my 1st pregnancy. I am praying for you that this will go away soon. God is with you and he will give you strength. Karen

Aunt Connie said...

you are SUCH a trooper Wendi. Press on and it's an honor to be alongside you!

Heather said...

ooohhhh, I'm so sorry you are feeling so nauseous. I was with Finley and the only thing that helped was the Rx Zofran. I do remember people telling me, at the very least, I could find comfort in the fact that I did FEEL sick. Because, if I felt sick then I knew I was still pregnant. I know that doesn't offer much help when you are hanging out by the toilet just feeling horrible. I pray for you and for strength through this.

denise said...

Have you tried Preggie Pops? Its a natural therapy. A friend swears by them. Sold online at Amazon, Target, Walgreens, etc.

denise said...

I have another friend that gets super sick. She has been pregnant 5 times. Like falling over, passing out, super sick. She is prescribed Zofran and says it really helps!!!

Anonymous said...

I know you've gotten lots of tips on how to curb the morning sickness. Maybe someone has already suggested these. I didn't try these when I was pregnant because I didn't know about them then. (Lots of people told me after I was feeling better). Try cutting open a lemon and sniffing it. Try eating/drinking things with ginger in it - ginger snap cookies, ginger ale. I think that's an ingredient in Preggie Pops.

Peter has had several middle ear surgeries. He gets extremely nauseous from the anesthesia and because he vesitbular system gets out of whack. The nurses have given him an aroma therapy stick called QueaseEase. It's a litte pen-like thingy. It's $20 at the Mayo gift shop, but you might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere online. It really works! We keep them in the van for Mitchell because he gets car sick on long trips. A couple sniffs of it and he's much better.

The other thing I discovered on accident one day when I was nauseous (must've had a migrane or mild vertigo) was coffee grounds. The smell of them eased the nausea almost instantly.
